Convert Fraction of yard to Decimal

You can now purchase a fraction of a yard instead of the next whole yard, it is in decimal instead of fraction so here is a conversion chart. The minimum per piece is 1 yd, or you will get a Paypal error when checking out.

1/4 Yard = .25
1/3 Yard = .33
1/2 Yard = .5
2/3 Yard = .67
3/4 Yard = .75

Please the quantities in your cart.

 We have had some people whose internet browsers kept their cart from their last visit!
 So before you check out, please check that your cart has the items and quantities you want and doesn't duplicate a previous order.
You will get a list of your order on the confirm order screen just before it takes you to PayPal.

Notice:  the cart will only hold about 10 separate items!  If you try to check out and it fails at the Paypal payment screen come back here and split your order into 2 or more orders.

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